Container Games: When LATEST is not the greatest, and how it broke my MediaWiki

Infrastructure as code they say, so I built myself a wonderful Ansible script to update my virtual machines and container installations on a regular basis without manual intervention. This has worked superbly in the past two years or so, but this week I was bitten. When I searched something in my (containerized) MediaWiki instance today, … Continue reading Container Games: When LATEST is not the greatest, and how it broke my MediaWiki

Container Games – Private Networks for Private Containers

As I hinted in my 37c3 post, I was using a bit of time at ‘Congress’ to improve the structure of my containers in the cloud. While I have quite a number of projects running in dedicated virtual machines, I have containerized others such as this blog, my MediaWiki, an OnlyOffice instance, Etherpads and a … Continue reading Container Games – Private Networks for Private Containers