
Martin Sauter works in the telecommunications industry based in Cologne. On his blog, Martin covers and comments wireless and computing topics. His interests are focused on mobile networks and devices, operating systems, open source software and computing history.

While studying in Ravensburg, Stuttgart and Los Angeles, Martin worked in various fields such as fuzzy logic, database application development and linking virtual and physical worlds at the Fraunhofer Institute for Process Automation.

After graduation, Martin joined a start-up company as lead developer for web based telemonitoring devices. From 2000-2009, his interests lead him to Nortel’s GSM/UMTS R&D team where he held positions in MSC design, wireless packet network engineering, solution consulting and new application and service concept development. In addition, he served as a representative in ETSI standardization working groups and has a number of patent applications tied to his name.

Today, Martin works for a leading mobile network operator. The opinions on this blog are his own, however, and neither his employer nor any other party necessarily agrees with them.

To get in contact, please send an email to gsmumts at gmx.de