Some Thoughts on 3 GHz Bands n78 and n77 – Europe and the U.S.

It’s been a while since I’ve been in North America, actually it must be close to 4 years. How time flies. Anyway, I might have the opportunity to go there again soon, so I started thinking a bit about the current spectrum situation there, particularly the 3 GHz range for 5G. Back in 2019, quite … Continue reading Some Thoughts on 3 GHz Bands n78 and n77 – Europe and the U.S.

LineageOS 20 on a Refurbished Pixel 6

Over the past years, I’ve been using LineageOS on a 2019 high end smartphone. It has served me well over the years. When LineageOS moved from Android 11 and 12, however, they wanted me to side-load a new ROM image instead of using the app based updater. As I wasn’t sure if this update would … Continue reading LineageOS 20 on a Refurbished Pixel 6

Multi-Path Backhaul with Speedify – Part 1 of 2

Every now and then I am at places at the fringe of the observable Internet where I only have slow, weak and unreliable connectivity. Typically, though, there are several of such networks to chose from, for example because network operators share towers. Wouldn’t it be great if one could combine those networks to get some … Continue reading Multi-Path Backhaul with Speedify – Part 1 of 2

Removing Indentation from 3GPP Messages – ChatGPT vs. Google Search

If you are in the business of looking at decodes of LTE or 5G signaling messages, you’ve probably been at the point when you wanted to copy and paste a part of that message into an email. The problem: More often than not, the parameters you are interested in are deeply nested in other parameters. … Continue reading Removing Indentation from 3GPP Messages – ChatGPT vs. Google Search

Starlink – Part 3 – Downlink Performance – The BBR Version

After the more high level parts 1 and 2 on Starlink, it’s now time to have a closer look at how the Starlink downlink channel behaves. I’m totally amazed by the system and it performs very well in Germany. That being said, it probably comes as no surprise that on the IP layer, the graphs … Continue reading Starlink – Part 3 – Downlink Performance – The BBR Version

Raspberry Pi With Remote Screen Sharing – A Quick Installation Guide

It’s been a while since I installed a headless Raspberry Pi from scratch with a desktop GUI to be accessed over the network. In the ‘early days’ of the Pi this used to be very simple: Get an image file from the Raspbian website, use ‘dd’ on Linux to copy the image to an SD … Continue reading Raspberry Pi With Remote Screen Sharing – A Quick Installation Guide