Last year it was discovered that a Marriott owned hotel in the US was intentionally blocking private Wi-Fi access points in an attempt to force their guests to use their heavily overpriced Wi-Fi system. After a complaint to the FCC an investigation was started that led to a $600.000 fine and a public consultation. Cisco, Aruba Networks and Ruckus Networks came to Marriott's help and defended the practice, probably because they are selling the weapons, i.e. the equipment that detects other hotspots and send de-authentication packets to devices that use them. Shame on them!
Fortunately lots of companies such as Microsoft, Google and CTIA took the side of liberty and freedom of choice by positioning themselves against such active 'jamming' systems. A couple of days ago the FCC has now published a final 2 page 'enforcement advisory' with crystal clear wording:
"Warning – Wi-Fi Blocking is Prohibited
Persons and Businesses Causing Intentional Interference to Wi-Fi hotspots are Subject to Enforcement Action
[…] the Bureau is protecting consumers by aggressively investigating and acting
against such unlawful intentional interference. […]"
Thanks FCC and yes, Marriott you'll stay on my list of companies I will not do business with anymore!