The Blog Moves From Finland to France – Move No. 5

It’s almost 20 years I’m running this blog now and it was once more time to physically move the blog to another server. 2 years ago, I moved the Docker containers of this blog to a virtual machine on a bare metal server in a Hetzner data center in Finland. I’ve been very happy with the setup during that time, but I’m slowly running out of disk space on that server. Also, I unfortunately noticed that Internet connectivity to that server from my DSL line at home significantly slows down several times a day, particularly in the evening hours. I’ve monitored the situation for a month and it gets rather worse than better. But if the cloud is done right and one takes care not to lock oneself into a particular provider, one can easily move ship. Which is what I have done and I’m in the process of moving all my services from Finland to a server with twice the amount of SSD storage in a Scaleway datacenter in Paris. Downtime for the blog during the transfer: 2 minutes. Not bad I would say 🙂 Bienvenue à Paris!

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