An electronic payment story today: The credit card industry has been through quite some pain in Germany the past couple of weeks with a year 2010 bug hampering transactions at teller machines and in shops. But here's some good news I wanted to post long before but forgot:
For many years electronic payment in France was a pain for me as the chip on my German EC/maestro card didn't work there. I always had to tell shop assistants not to use the chip but to swipe the card through to read the magnetic stripe. I got so frustrated that I reverted to paying with cash or with a credit card that did not yet have a chip.
So after another little glitch late last year when credit card information was supposedly stolen in Spain, credit card companies around the world replaced affected cards in a hurry. Probably due to having been at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona I was one those customers getting a replacement card. This time it contained a chip and this one now works in France as well. Great, at least from this perspective the credit card industry finally gets their act together. Now I can blend in again…
Let's hope the 2010 bug doesn't ruin it again… Just makes me wonder where we are with mobile payment in Europe these days. Probably still nowhere.