Ever since I set up an Owncloud server at home, I've made my peace with cloud services, as my home has become my cloud and my data is where it belongs: With me, and with me only. While my personal needs for cloud services mainly focus on file sharing and calendar/address book synchronization there is a much wider spectrum of cloud applications that companies could benefit from such as secure communication with customers, project management and team interaction. And this is where Protonet comes in with their small on-site servers and cloud applications. I seldom plug companies and products on this blog but in this case I felt I had to make an exception. Even though their software doesn't seem to be open source their product makes the Internet and private data again what I think they should be: Decentralized and in the hands of those who own it. Best of luck to this startup, I wish you raving success! (via Heise news)
This is Protonet! from Protonet on Vimeo.