S60 get’s hit by it’s “little” brother

For some time now, Nokia has used the Symbian S60 OS for it’s smartphones / high end mobile phones. The guys over that S60.com are quite happy with recent sales figures and see their OS becoming more and more popular. Today, however, I got a call from a friend of mine telling me that he’s reconsidering his current plan to wait for the Nokia N80 and instead go for the Nokia 6280 which uses, according to the Nokia website, the S40 OS (see a Nokia video of the phone). Tough times ahead for S60?

The 6280 seems to be a nice, slick UMTS phone with a crisp QVGA screen (320×240 pixel), 2 Megapixel camera, active standby screen and very compact dimensions (99,9 x 46 x 21 mm, 91 cm³). It’s only 21 mm thick, quite impressive for a UMTS phone. Even more impressive after seeing the video was the fact that Nokia says on it’s web page that this is a S40 phone!? O.k., I said to my friend, but it doesn’t have a number of things which make it worthwhile to wait for the N80:

  • Built in WLAN
  • 3 Megapixel camera
  • Direct File system support over USB without drivers
  • All the cool S60 applications I use like Liveblog, Opera, Office programs, Custom MP-3 player, RSS Reader, etc.

True he said, but if the 6280 is on the market before the N80, he’ll go for it anyway, it’s just powerful enough for him… I guess that proves that S60 will have a hard time extending beyond the smartphone market down to lower ranks. S40 and others seem to be too strong already and already knock on the smartphone door. Together with new Java JSRs, such operating systems might even try to get a share of the smartphone market for themselves. Well, competition is good 🙂

P.S.: Looks like the movie above was made in the U.S. -> the phone however is only GSM/WCDMA 2100 so it will only work in Europen UMTS networks…

Reading Blogs on the Go – Part 2

In the previous entry on how to read blogs on the go I described my motivation for mobile blog reading,  discussed a Symbian Series 60 blog reader application, and shared my thoughts on  features I would like to see in the future. In the meantime I discovered yet another blog reader application and have come up with some more thoughts how the experience can be improved in the somewhat more distant future.

The second Symbian Series 60 blog reader application I’ve tested is called ‘Newspaper. Compared to the RescoNews Application described earlier it features a desktop program which retrieve RSS feeds and puts the contents into a single file that can then be downloaded to the mobile device via Bluetooth or other means. Of course application on the mobile can download feeds via a wireless packet connection but due to the size of those feeds if one has more than a couple of blogs in the blogroll might be too expensive. I had some trouble to download my RSS feeds via Bluetooth as the file size was about 1.5 MB and my 6630 refused to properly start the application. Only when I manually copied the file to a memory card and started the application from there did I succeed. Two other things that can easily be improved in a future version make me lean heavily on the RescoNews Application as my favorite reader: Scrolling in the Newspaper application is very slow, for every click of the down button I just got 3/4 of a new line. Scrolling down a whole page just requires too many clicks. Further, the program has no option to sort all blog entries by date which I prefer to the by blog ordering on a mobile device. A promising application if the usability is somewhat improved.

In the last blog entry I was described some enhancements which would be easy to implement in a future mobile blog reader application. However, one problem remains that is unlikely to be solved in the short term: It happens often enough to me that a blog entry contains links to other blogs or web pages or that I would like to see the full blog entry if only partially contained in the RSS feed. On the mobile device I think twice before following such a link as those pages are usually not formatted for a mobile device. For the future I envision that web pages and especially blogging sites take a closer look at the browser string of a request and automatically reformat the blogs for a mobile device. As one can not expect this happening over night, how about a flag in the RSS feed that tells the reader if the corresponding blog entry can be view in a mobile optimized version? This wouldn’t solve the link issue but at least the issue with reading the full blog entry.

Reading Blogs on the Go

I enjoy surfing the mobile web with my phone while traveling. While I’ve bookmarked an assorted number web pages to keep me entertained and informed on the go, I’d also like to read the latest entries of the blogs in my blogroll. Most of us read blogs using an RSS aggregator, as surfing from one blog to the next with a web browser is not convenient when monitoring more then just a few.  On the mobile phone it should basically be the same as the process is even more difficult due to the limited bandwidth, the processing power of the mobile, the small keyboard, and especially the small screen size.

While searching for the right solution for me, I’ve tried web based readers but found them too slow and too inflexible for my needs.  Then I’ve found Resco News, an RSS feed reader application for Symbian S60 phones such as my Nokia 6680. It works like a PC feed reader and it is possible to import an already existing blog roll from the PC as the program supports OPML file imports which many RSS readers can generate. New blog entries can be shown either by feed (which I prefer on the PC) or all feeds together in a time ordered list. I prefer this to the per feed view on the phone as it is much easier and faster to navigate through on a small device. As it downloads and stores the content of the xml files, I can even read the blogs while out of network coverage (yes, there are still many blind spots in the Paris metro…). I really like the program, and I am more than willing to pay the $12.- for the full version.

Of course, there is always room for improvement 🙂 I think that one of the shortcomings is the huge amount of data that is downloaded to the mobile during every update. I’ve chosen to synch about 35 blogs to the mobile phone which results in about 1 MB of data transfer for every synch. This is an issue both cost wise (if you don’t have a large data subscription) and time wise as well, as the update of all blogs takes around 5 to 6 minutes. This can surely be improved in a future version of the program by requesting several rss feeds at once instead of one after another. Another nice thing to have in the future would be a kind of rss proxy server that knows which parts of xml feeds have already been sent to the mobile device and only forwards those parts of the xml file which have not yet been received by the mobile phone. This would substantially reduce the amount of data to transfer. And then, a synchronization method with my PC RSS aggregator would be nice as well so I don’t see the same blogs as "unread" on the PC when I get home which I’ve already browsed through on the mobile.

If you know of other ways to read blogs on the mobile phone while on the go, let me know!

In part 2 on this topic, I’ll describe yet another blog reader application and discuss some more ideas on how to improve the experience further on the long term

Carnival of the Mobilists @ Blethers

Stuart Mudie is hosting this week’s Carnival of the Mobilists. If you are interested in the mobile Internet, it is the ressource to find out what people are thinking and in which direction the technology is moving. This week’s edition does not only contain a great summary of blogs written by mobilists in the past week but also some links to mobilist gatherings during the 3GSMWorldCongress in Barcelona next month.

Where is that notes application for my S60?

The standard S60 notes program on my Nokia 6680 is just that, standard and just a little bit too basic for my needs. I don’t think the bar is set to high by wanting a notes application that lets me decide which name to give to a note, let me have more then a couple of hundred characters per note, have some basic cut/paste functionality and synch nicely to a PC.

I’ve surfed up and down the web to find a suitable program but came up pretty much empty handed. Sure, there is Quickoffice, which is just a little bit too much for what I need both in terms of functionality and price. The price would not even shy me away but the demo version refuses to run… SafeNote was another promising candidate. However, I haven’t been able to figure out how to copy the notes to my PC. Nice try.

Can it be that there is no notes application available that fulfills my three criteria above!? Comments welcome!

Your own MMS server at home

The multi media messaging service (MMS) is great to send pictures, videos and of course plain old text messages to other people. MMS is based on IP and the protocol is well standardized. If you ever wondered how MMS works or ever wanted to have your own MMS server at home (which puts your uploaded picture on a web page), here’s your chance:


Jonatan Heyman has written an MMS PHP script during an internship at Ericsson which can be placed on any web server that supports PHP. Only a couple of configuration changes on the mobile phone are necessary and the MMS is sent to your own web server instead of to the MMS server of your operator:

  • The URL of the MMS Server has to be changed to match the URL where the PHP script can be reached. The author has placed a demo script on his own website for those of you who are adventurous.  To upload a picture to his site, change your MMS Server URL to http://heyman.info/mms/get.php
  • Most operators use different Access Point Names (APN) for MMS and transparent Internet access. To be able to reach the PHP script on the Internet, modify the APN settings in the phone to allow the MMS application transparent access to the Internet. The WAP or MMS APNs usually do not work as the network is usually configured to only allow access to certain services in the operator’s home network with them.

Further PHP scripts on the topic can also be found at http://www.hellkvist.org/software

Kernel panic in the metro

It’s nice to see that Linux is making it into the vending machines in the Paris metro. I would prefer a "Linux inside" sticker to a kernel panic, though (see picture). Looks like the usual Windows blue screens one can see everyday in the meto will get some kernel panic brothers in the future.

How many voip calls can you squeeze through an access point?

checking out the eTel conference website to create a list for Debi (aka mobile
of sessions that I am interested in, I’ve stumbled over an interesting
article of Matthew Gast
analyzing just how many Voice over IP calls can be
squeezed through a Wireless Access Point. 22 to 23 is the answer 😉 In the
article, Matthew goes into the details of preambles, WLAN, IP, UDP and RTP
headers and shows how they influence the data rate and total number of
simultaneous calls. The article also
gives a brief overview of the voice codecs used by a number of voip systems
(including Skype!) and their required bandwidths.

The manuscript is ready!

To all people who have not given up calling me in the past twelve months to see if I am interested in joining them for a movie, party, or other quality time fun and always heard "sorry, working on the book": See the picture – it’s done, the manuscript is in the mail. 700 double spaced pages of wireless network knowledge. Might as well go out now again to see some sunlight (or a movie 😉

Now it’s the publishers turn to typeset the manuscript and make a real book out of it.   I am somewhat exhausted, but very happy and can hardly wait to see the final result.

See you at the movies 🙂