Certificate Pinning Is Back In Firefox!

tl;dr: Over the past weeks, I’ve put together a Firefox add-on for SSL certificate pinning so I would notice if ever a man-in-the-middle would use forged certificates to spy on me when I interact with my home servers, banking websites, and so on. I feel a lot safer now again! You can find it here … Continue reading Certificate Pinning Is Back In Firefox!

Thinking the Unthinkable: The End of Circuit Switching

Quite a number of network operators are in the processes of shutting down their 2G or 3G networks or have already done so. A major example is AT&T who has switched off their 2G network back in 2017. In other words, they are now only running on their UMTS and LTE networks. So what will … Continue reading Thinking the Unthinkable: The End of Circuit Switching

Verizon Pushes Forward with mmWave Broadband Fixed Access

There have been many attempts over the past two decades to compete with fixed line copper, coax and fiber installations with Wireless Broadband Fixed Access. Pretty much all of them have failed on a larger scale as technology over copper has evolved and fiber has been deployed in many places. But Verizon thinks Fixed Wireless … Continue reading Verizon Pushes Forward with mmWave Broadband Fixed Access

Eduroam as a Model for Future Public Wifi Deployments

Going significantly beyond the capacity and geographic reach of current cellular LTE coverage in cities requires to bring the cells to where the people are: Inside buildings. From a technical point of view small cells could do the job, they are now small enough to be installed just about anywhere. From a practical point of … Continue reading Eduroam as a Model for Future Public Wifi Deployments

Intel Discontinues Their 802.11ad Notebook Cards – The End Of WiGig?

As Anandtech says ‘in a surprise move’ Intel has announced last week that they will discontinue their 60 GHz WiGig + Wifi + Bluetooth cards. As they were pretty much the only ones selling WiGig connectivity options for notebooks so far I can’t help but wonder if this move has just spelled the end for … Continue reading Intel Discontinues Their 802.11ad Notebook Cards – The End Of WiGig?