WirelessMoves 2008: Things That ‘Moved’ Me – Part 2

2008 was full of events, news, thoughts and new insights and part part 2 of "Things that 'Moved' Me" captures the blog posts which left a remaining impression on my in the second half of this year.


I've been in Paris a lot this year on a client location which is in a new office quarter. While there is good coverage outside, I often found it lacking inside and I was wondering when the three mobile operators would finally upgrade their networks to give good coverage also inside the buildings. In the meantime, at least some of them seem to have moved and coverage has markedly improved. Also, the month brought some more LTE voice gap thoughts and musings on why the small screen suddenly becomes big in places such as the metro. Earlier in the year, Nokia has released a sub 100 euro phone with a great screen and OperaMini pre-installed and in this post, I was looking at what is still missing for mobile Internet access for the mainstream. And finally, I noticed that Orange must have probably upgraded or changed the configuration of their EDGE and 3G networks in France, as my N95 suddenly stopped rebooting frequently when connected to the Internet.

WirelessMoves 2008: Things That ‘Moved’ Me – Part 1

Lots of things happened in 2008. I usually have the impression that the industry is moving too slowly for me. However, as the following overview shows, this impression is not really accurate, one just forgets all the things that happened over the year too quickly.


Intel has decided to make a comeback to mobile computing and has started a fight with its new Atom platform against ARM, who's processors drive the majority of medium- and high end mobile devices today. Not much has been heard or seen from them since then, except for a few bulky prototypes and some eeePCs driven by first versions of this chipset. However, I expect more to come in 2009. In January I also mused on the fact that LTE and SAE have no built in voice capabilities and that finding a solution that works will be on of the main factors deciding over how long it will take for LTE to become a success and 2G and 3G becoming a thing of the past. I've picked up the topic several times since then as at least 4 solutions have been proposed since then, all with their pros and cons. Unfortunately, that is 3 too many.

Roaming Report – Part 6 – 5G Roaming in the US fixes the lack of no LTE-CA on some Devices!

When I was last in the US back in 2019, I noticed that quite a number of the test smartphones (from the EU) I had with me would not do LTE Carrier Aggregation (CA). Even worse, my devices where often sent to a 5 or 10 MHz Carrier, so data transfer speeds were abysmally slow … Continue reading Roaming Report – Part 6 – 5G Roaming in the US fixes the lack of no LTE-CA on some Devices!

Container Games – Private Networks for Private Containers

As I hinted in my 37c3 post, I was using a bit of time at ‘Congress’ to improve the structure of my containers in the cloud. While I have quite a number of projects running in dedicated virtual machines, I have containerized others such as this blog, my MediaWiki, an OnlyOffice instance, Etherpads and a … Continue reading Container Games – Private Networks for Private Containers

When All Else Fails – The Garmin InReach Mini 2 – Part 3: Pricing and Message Handling

In this part, I’d like to muse a bit on Garmin’s pricing of the InReach service for my use-case and the general procedure of sending and receiving messages. While Garmin’s main application for InReach is outdoor communication and tracking in the wilderness, my use-case is to be able to communicate with far away family members … Continue reading When All Else Fails – The Garmin InReach Mini 2 – Part 3: Pricing and Message Handling