The Digital Dividend, LTE, HSPA, TV Stations and Wireless Microphones

Over the past days there have been reports in the press that Vodafone Germany will trial LTE in the 800 MHz digital dividend band to collect experience how this frequency band can be used for rural broadband Internet coverage. The reports also mentioned that a TV station (the WDR) will also take part in the trial. A TV station?

Why, I wondered at first, as all but Unstrung did not go into the details of why a TV station is part of the trial. So, according to Unstrung, the TV station is part of the trial as they are interested, or a bit worried, that using spectrum in the 800 MHz band for broadband Internet could have an impact on their TV broadcasts in an adjacent band. Further, wireless microphones are using the digital dividend band today and it seems it is not quite clear of what can be done about that in the future (see here and here).

So the outcome of this part of the trial will be quite important to figure out if or how all of the 72 MHz foreseen to be assigned in the 800 MHz band for mobile broadband systems can be used without generating too much interference for TV broadcasts. An interesting topic to follow.