I’m Back “On-Stream” in Selfoss

For about half a year I ran a somewhat outdated version of Selfoss on my server at home for RSS feed reading for a simple reason: At the time a change was proposed to integrate marking all displayed entries as "read" into the scrolling mechanism. I much preferred this over the solution that made it into the following release with which you had to disable scrolling to get a new button to mark entries as read. As other changes were minor I decided to remain on the old version and keep the suggested patch running on my system. Github makes it possible.

Over the weekend, however, I updated to the latest version once more despite the feature not being integrated because of two very interesting new features: There's a new feature to read full posts for those RSS feeds that only show the first part of the original entry. For a previous version I came up with dedicated code for a specific web site. Now, however, someone seems to have cracked the nut of how parsing a full web page and stripping out the text and pictures in a more generalized way. I gave it a try with one of my feeds and it worked perfectly. Enough a reason to switch and great to have a choice 🙂

One thought on “I’m Back “On-Stream” in Selfoss”

  1. Thanks again for that great hint.

    Since yesterday i changed to this spout for 7 of my feeds which use this “clickbaiting”-like method in their ordinary rss feeds to lure me to their website.

    It works perfectly out of the box. Just for one website i need to check for some improvement. I will show some sort of iframe in the 3-column display mode of selfoss, that makes it necessary to scroll sideways which is a bit ugly. However, that one feed previously only provided a headline – not even a summary – so at least now i have more than just the subject (it is a feed that shows new posts in a board/forum).

    The only downside is that for e.g. the Tagesschau feed i now have 90% traffic which is not of any use, but that saves me some time while keeping myself up to date…

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