Dockerize Me – My Personal Docker Bootstrap Voyage – Part 1

Over the years I’ve been looking at Docker every now and then. That’s because for one thing I am interested in the concept of deploying software in lightweight containers instead of VMs and also because I am running two pieces of software in Docker containers on my servers as well. But that was it until … Continue reading Dockerize Me – My Personal Docker Bootstrap Voyage – Part 1

Swisscom Goes the Other Way – GSM on the Way Out

In a previous post I wrote a bit about UMTS being switched-off in Germany by two network operators in mid-2021, less than a year from now. While other network operators have similar plans I found it quite interesting that Swisscom has decided to do the opposite. Instead of switching-off UMTS soon, they have decided to … Continue reading Swisscom Goes the Other Way – GSM on the Way Out

The End Of UMTS Is Near… Those Where the Days

Recently, two German network operators publicly stated that they will switch-off their UMTS networks in Germany in mid-2021. I’ve heard about such intentions before from other network operators in Europe a few years ago but their switch-off date at the time was ‘far’ in the future. But mid-next year is pretty much around the corner … Continue reading The End Of UMTS Is Near… Those Where the Days

How To Speed Up Cellular Network Search

A practical tip today: When I am abroad (o.k. that doesn’t happen a lot right now…) I do tend to occasionally change the network I am roaming in for a number of reasons. Unfortunately that usually takes a long time as the device searches in lots of bands for 3 different network technologies. But this … Continue reading How To Speed Up Cellular Network Search

Verizon: The End Of Circuit Switching – The End Of An Era

Most cellular network operators around the world still have a circuit switched core network today for voice and SMS services for their 2G/3G access networks. There are a few exceptions like one operator in India that launched with an LTE-only VoLTE network a few years ago. But apart from a few, that is the status … Continue reading Verizon: The End Of Circuit Switching – The End Of An Era