3GSM: From Skype to Chinese companies

Skype on a Nokia 6680
Skype on a Nokia 6680
One of the 3GSM courtyards
One of the 3GSM courtyards

Anina demonstrating at the Adobe Flash booth
Anina demonstrating at the Adobe Flash booth
Huawei stand
Huawei stand

There are many amazing things to see at the 3GSM congress that don´t make it to the big press feed. For me, they are even more interesting then those who do.

Pick number one today is Skype on mobile phones. Lots of talk about it already but nobody points out that you can see a running prototype on the Nokia stand if you ask for it. Oh, how I am waiting for that application in combination with the new Nokia N80. On the Nokia stand it´s shown on the 6680 (see picture 1), looks like a S60 3rd edition version is not yet available.

I am sure you´ve seen it on other blogs already, Anina is at the show and demos her Flash application on a 6630 (see picture 3). Interesting application, and a very good presentation.

While Chinese companies such as Huawei and ZTE have so far been only on the sidelines at the congress, they are right there in the main hall with the other big players. As you can see on picture 4, lot´s of people on their stand this year compared to only a trickle last year.

Off I go, last day of the show and still so many things to see. I´ll keep you posted!

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