I Can Now Detect over 25 Wifi Networks At My Flat!

25 wifisA year ago, I reported that I could receive a stunning 13 Wifi networks at my flat. Since then, the number has risen even further! When I checked this time, I was able to detect over 25 access points, not counting secondary SSIDs of some access points and those networks that could be received but not decoded correctly due to their weak signal strength. Channel 11 is a hot place with over 10 access points sending out their signals in this area. A place in the spectrum definitely to be avoided as at least one access point sends a continuous high bitrate broadcast, probably a TV or video stream. The screenshot on the left, taken with WiSpy/Chanalyzer, shows the distribution of the networks on the different channels an how strong they can be received. My own network is the red curve on the left on channel 1, with at least three or four additional networks using the same channel. However, compared to what's going on at channel 11, this spot in the spectrum can be considered as being almost calm.

3 thoughts on “I Can Now Detect over 25 Wifi Networks At My Flat!”

  1. Wow, time to move back to copper :). Now I appreciate living in an area with a higher age average…

    Because there are so many, it would be interesting to know:
    – how many networks use encryption
    – how many have the SSID hidden
    – how many have SSIDs that look like the default ones

    This would tell how many people actually have a clue about configuring their network. Of course, many APs today come with pre-set encryption and looks like default channel 11.

    This was the 2.4GHz band probably… what about the 5GHz one?

  2. Hi,

    Almost all networks have encryption enabled since the Wifi AP come together with a triple play subscription from the DSL operator. As part of the installation process you then customize your SSID. That’s part of the installation process since the AP is pre-configured by the DSL operator to work with their other services (IPTV, etc.). But still, I wouldn’t expect more than a few people actually knowing how to configure their networks. And they shouldn’t, for that matter.

    Can’t say what’s going on in the 5 MHz band as I don’t have a Wifi card for that frequency range yet.


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