One Million Page Views Reached

About five years ago (November 2005 to be exact) I started this blog as a bit of an experiment to figure out what to do with this new 'blogging' thing and to see if it could be of use to me and others. Now in 2010, more than 1100 blog posts and 2000 comments later, I have found it to be an incredibly useful tool to gather my thoughts, share them with a wider audience, ask for your opinions and to meet others in this industry either virtually over the net or in real life. I have learnt a lot by writing the posts and from reading and responding to your comments. A couple of days ago, the blog has passed the one millionth page view. To me that's an incredible number and another sign that the information an my opinions on this blog are useful. Thanks to all of you, that's great additional encouragement to keep writing and developing the site!

10 thoughts on “One Million Page Views Reached”

  1. Congrats, keep up the good work πŸ™‚ Your blog has been really useful for me (among others)as a young engineer to catch up quickly with the wireless world. Many thanks.

  2. Congrats Martin! Great wireless content,and great photos too, no surprise 1 millions visits! πŸ˜‰

    So, you moving to WordPress now? πŸ™‚ Joke.


  3. Congrats, Martin. I’m a great fan of your blog. The writing style is crsip and the content is generally very informative.

  4. Congratulation ! I regularly visit your blog for your insightful views on the wireless industry/technology. Thanks

  5. Congrats Martin! great writing..esp in transcribing often complicated, long and dry topics into simple, concise and clear terms. When will we see your next book?

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