Plan B Is…

… for Plan A to work. At least that's what I read in an interview with a high ranking manager from a previously important mobile phone manufacturer recently. But I digress, I wanted to say something else. When I recently went on a long weekend in the countryside, my D100 (3G dongle to Wi-Fi adapter box) I had for many years has suddenly decided to no longer cooperate. Pretty bad when you are in places that use Swisscom Wi-Fi and you have more than a single device that wants to share your 3G Internet connection. But unlike the afore mentioned manager I did have a plan B, Wi-Fi tethering to the Android smartphone I otherwise mostly use for eBook reading and experimenting. The Wi-Fi range is probably not as good as that of the D100 but it was good enough for the hotel room and all devices I needed connectivity for worked just fine. I love it when a plan comes together, even if it's plan B. The attitude could do miracles for the above mentioned manager as well. But perhaps he's not allowed to have a plan B… But I digress again. I'm glad that something I speculated about 6 years ago in 2006 now works so well.

2 thoughts on “Plan B Is…”

  1. digress again. I’m glad that something I speculated about 6 years ago in 2006 now works so well.

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