Cloud Vulnerability – When You Are Suddenly Suspended

I am sure you have a backup of the data you have stored stored in the cloud just in case your account gets suspended? No you don't because it's really unlikely? Yes, perhaps, but it recently happend to a friend who uses a couple of Google services to exchange emails and documents and to work on documents together with other people. Imagine the feeling when one day the log-in attempt was greeted with a message like "sorry your account was suspended because you were violating the T&Cs. Your account might be reactivated again, please send an email to us describing your activity". What!?? No serious, that was the message. Fortunately it seems it was only a hickup of the system. When trying to log-in again a couple of minutes later access was restored. Still scary and it shows how much control you have over your data in the cloud…

One thought on “Cloud Vulnerability – When You Are Suddenly Suspended”

  1. On the other hand: this morning i wanted to access some important files that i thought were safely stored on my NAS at home.

    Turned out t-home (my provider) was having some problems (again)…

    Hosting your own “personal cloud”at home is nice to know your files are really under YOUR CONTROL but better have as much local copies as possible when you rely on it… 😉

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