Heaven’s River – Bobiverse Book 4

Two years ago, I stumbled over ‘We are Legion (We are Bob)‘, the first Bobiverse book with an exceptional science-fiction story by Dennis E. Taylor. Book 2 and 3 followed in short succession and I was really delighted when I noticed that book 4 ‘Heaven’s River’ was recently published.

Many sequels tend to become a bit boring over time to me, and few actually manage to surpass the original book or even come close to it. This one, however, has gripped me from the first page, and when I was almost at the finish line, made me stay awake until 2 am in the morning. That doesn’t happen often. I won’t even describe the story line here, as it doesn’t make a lot of sense to read this book if you haven’t read the earlier three. But suffice it to say that Dennis’ E. Taylor’s Bobiverse series is one of the best science fiction sagas I have ever come across. Highly recommended!