Who’s Got the Most n78?

I live in Germany, and I’m used to the situation that the national regulator decided to only auction 300 MHz of the 400 MHz of spectrum available in the 3.5 GHz band (n78) back in 2019. As there were 4 applications, this meant that nobody could get the full 5G channel bandwidth of 100 MHz. At the time, two operators got 90 MHz each, while the others got 50 and 90 MHz respectively. Quite a bit of spectrum you might say, but only as long as you don’t look how other countries handled that part of the spectrum.

In other places, regulators decided not to reserve any spectrum for potential ‘future use cases’, but to hand out the complete 400 MHz that was available in the in 3.5 GHz band. An interesting example is the UK. Here, Three UK has 140 MHz of n78 bandwidth, split into chunks of 100 and 40 MHz with another operator sitting in between. Compared to the 50 MHz operators in other countries have paid a lot of money for, that’s gigantic. Fortunately, the split into 100 and 40 MHz chunks is not a problem for higher end phones, because these days, they do support NR CA n78A + n78A. In other words, 100+40 MHz + some LTE in ENDC mode can actually be used.

To my knowledge 140 MHz of n78 spectrum is the biggest assignment I have seen so far. In case you know of a network operator that has received even more, please consider leaving a comment!