And further I went into ‘terra incognita’ with Starlink, this time to a place which was quite challenging in terms of terrain. But again, looking at the bright side of it, it was the first time I had to experiment for a while to find a good spot to place ‘Dishy’.
Continue reading Starlink – Part 14 – Dishy Among Trees and HillsAuthor: Martin
Starlink – Part 13 – Local Wi-Fi on 2.4 GHz
In the previous post, I had a look at the 5 GHz Wi-Fi of the Starlink router at close range for maximum throughput. In this post, I’ll have a look at the completely opposite scenario: How Starlink’s Wi-Fi performs when used to bridge a larger distance. This wasn’t actually a theoretical test, but the scenario I bought my Starlink terminal in the first place: Fast Internet connectivity in ‘underserved’ places. As you can see in the picture above, I put the satellite antenna itself in a courtyard, while the router and the 230V power supply (more about that in a follow up post) was in the car next to it.
Continue reading Starlink – Part 13 – Local Wi-Fi on 2.4 GHzStarlink – Part 12 – Local Wi-Fi on 5 GHz
Out of the box, a Starlink terminal comes with the satellite dish, affectionately called ‘Dishy’, and a Wi-Fi Router. As an Ethernet port is not part of the package and has to be ordered separately, Wi-Fi is the only default connectivity option. So how does that Wi-Fi Access Point perform?
Continue reading Starlink – Part 12 – Local Wi-Fi on 5 GHzStarlink – Part 11 – Obstruction Diagram
How much of the sky can be obstructed for Starlink to still work without connectivity breaks (in Germany)? This has been one of the most important questions I had about Starlink before I could try it out on my own.
Here’s an image that shows an obstruction diagram, which the Starlink app on a smartphone produces after ‘Dishy’ has been up and running for about 6 hours. The blue sphere shows the parts of the sky that are visible, while the black area shows where obstacles are in the way. The red arrows were put into the image by me. For this image, the Starlink dish was at my rooftop, and the sky was blocked as follows:
1) About half the sky to the south was completely blocked by a near vertical part of roof, which is about 2.5m high (red arrow on the top left). Dishy was about 0.5m away and hence, this part of the roof pretty much obstructed half of the sky.
2) Towards the north, there was a solid obstacle about 1 meter away and about 1.5 meter high which is also shown nicely on the image (red arrow at the bottom.
3) And finally, there was another 1.5m high obstacle towards the west, also around 1m away from the antenna, which also blocked the sky.
Continue reading Starlink – Part 11 – Obstruction DiagramStarlink – Part 10 – Windows over Starlink – Uplink Performance
Part 8 of this series took a closer look at the downlink performance of two Windows 11 based machines over Starlink. This episode now takes a closer look at the uplink.
Before I go on, let’s set expectations: As was shown in part 5 and 6, there is a significant difference in uplink performance on Linux machines depending on which TCP congestion avoidance algorithm is used. With the default TCP Cubic algorithm, throughput was around 5 Mbps, whereas TCP BBR pushed uplink throughput to 30 Mbps.
So here’s how uplink throughput looks like on Windows with the default TCP parameters:
Continue reading Starlink – Part 10 – Windows over Starlink – Uplink PerformanceStarlink – Part 9 – and LibreSpeed
In part 8 of my Starlink series, I’ve been looking at downlink throughput with a Windows notebook. The maximum speed I could achieve with iperf3 was around 30 Mbps, while tools like and LibreSpeed could easily reach 150 to 200 Mbps. So what’s the difference and which speed test reflects real world use?
Continue reading Starlink – Part 9 – and LibreSpeedStarlink – Part 8 – Windows over Starlink – Downlink Performance
In my previous posts on Starlink, I’ve used Linux as the operating system on my notebook and on the network side server for my iPerf3 throughput measurements. Due to packet loss on the link, there is a significant difference between using different TCP congestion avoidance algorithms. When the standard Cubic algorithm is configured on both sides, the data transfer over a single TCP connection is 5 times slower than with BBR. So what happens when I use a Windows client over Starlink?
Continue reading Starlink – Part 8 – Windows over Starlink – Downlink PerformanceStarlink – Part 7 – Voice over Starlink
After seeing the many transmission errors over the Starlink air interface that TCP can handle quite well, particularly on Linux with the BBR congestion avoidance algorithm, I was of course wondering if this has an audible impact on real time voice services when used over Starlink. So here’s how that went:
Continue reading Starlink – Part 7 – Voice over Starlink8W vs. 400W – Notebook vs. Workstation
Quick thought of the day: Yes, there is a reason why flight simulation software does not run so well on notebooks: They are optimized for power efficiency and not performance. That’s quite OK for every day tasks such as word processing, which typically requires less than 8 watts on my notebook, or running specialized software for mobile network analysis in virtual machines, which typically requires between 15 and 20 watts. But when simulating a virtual world, the stop-gap of around 25-30 watts of small notebooks is nowhere near enough. But just how much more power is used by a workstation when running flight simulation software took me quite by surprise when thinking about it a bit.
Continue reading 8W vs. 400W – Notebook vs. WorkstationStarlink – Part 6 – Uplink Performance with BBR
So here we go: After the interesting but somewhat slow Starlink uplink throughput results discussed in part 5, let’s have a look if the TCP BBR congestion avoidance algorithm can improve the situation. BBR is not configured out of the box, but I use it on all of my servers and workstations. BBR could be particularly helpful for uplink transmissions, as it is a sender side measure. Thus, it doesn’t matter which TCP algorithm is used on the receiver side, which, for this test, was a box in a data center .
Continue reading Starlink – Part 6 – Uplink Performance with BBR