Mobile Monday Paris May 2006 – Pictures and Thoughts

Another Mobile Monday Paris took place last night at the Zen Factory in Paris close to the Place de la République. Again a fabulous event, lots of good discussions with people coming to the event and very interesting presentations. For pictures of the event, see my Flickr picture set of the evening.

First speaker of the evening was Stephane Delbecque of Yahoo France presenting Yahoo’s Connected Life vision. Focus of the presentation was Yahoo’s partnering with the Fifa to bring the football world championship to mobile phones all around the world.

Next, Didier Lesteven of Medialive presented their product which protects digital content on the way from the content provider to the consumer. This is done by their product by stripping out 1% of a media flow which is then protected and sent to the consumer in a secure way.

Afterward Philippe Coup-Jambet of Mobitype gave an overview of their moblogging platform that lets you create your own blog from your mobile phone and also acts as a mobile RSS aggregator. The product is currently in a first trial phase with the public launch expected this summer. The service will be free and is funded by ads which are put into the generated pages. I specifically liked the options of having the top 24h hour posts in one menu as that is missing in my current mobile RSS software.

Presentation number four was by Vincent Berge of the PACA Mobile Center, a new parisian institution in Marseilles that offers a platform for Java developers to test their products on a multitude of different phones.

And finally, Catherine Ramus made sure the evening was not only about technology in itself but also about combining technology with art and her presentation was about how to use 2D bar codes in a museum to get video stream art right on your mobile phone.

Great presentations, thanks very much to the presenters, I really enjoyed the evening! The presentations might end up on the official Mobile Monday France website in a couple of days and you can check them out here.

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