3GSM – MWC: Mobile Monday Global Peer Awards

Now it’s official! The Mobile Monday Global Peer Awards will be held during the 3GSMWorldCongress, aka the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on Monday, February 11th in the afternoon at the Espacio Movistar. It was a great event last year thanks to the great organization of Rudy de Waele and I am sure he will be able to top himself this year. You can also find the event on the 3GSMEvents Wiki together with other exciting happenings. Registration is required via the event page linked above. See you there!

Paul Allen to bid in U.S. 700 MHz Auction

Later this year will see the auction of bandwidth in the 7000 MHz band in the U.S. for wireless Internet services. Apart from incumbents such as AT&T and Verizon, who are likely to bid in order to secure their interests and current business model, there are at least two interesting names on the bidder list which could have a disruptive effect on the mobile landscape if they manage to get a good portion of the spectrum. Apart from Google who has lobbied hard for open wireless networks there is also Vulcan Ventures that belongs to Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft. I guess his pocket’s are deep enough to do it. From what I read about him he looks like a visonary so I can very well imagine that he could be a disruptive force as well. What do you think?

Voice: The Litmus Test for LTE Handsets

The more I think about it the more I am convinced that voice service will make or break LTE in the mid-term. While most industry observers agree that the first devices for LTE are likely to be USB dongles and PC cards the real LTE story only starts once the technology makes it into mobile Internet devices and handsets.

While on mobile Internet devices it might be acceptable to have Skype or some other VoIP technology, smaller handsets who’s main purpose is voice service might have a much more difficult time with VoIP. Such devices must also be capable of roaming to 2G and 3G networks when running out of LTE coverage. Especially in 2G networks, VoIP is a no go so voice service must fall back to good old circuit switched telephony. So apart from the question of how VoIP will be done on LTE handsets the much bigger question is how to make the experience seamless over 2G, 3G and LTE.

Sure, there is Voice Call Continuity and the IMS can be configured to forward an incoming call via a circuit switched connection when no suitable wireless IP network is available. However, from what I can see so far it seems that achieving this is much more difficult then rolling out LTE in the first place.

Another alternative would be for a LTE handset to be simultaneously attached to a LTE network for data and a 2G or 3G network for circuit switched voice. This way the telephony application on the handset could be simple. Not sure if that will work in practice though!?


Home Automation

Ever since I started thinking about mobile one of my favorite train of thoughs has been how to check how things are going at home from the mobile device, get the coffee machine going before I come home or to check if the lights are out. It’s no longer speculation now, it’s been done! Check out bwired.nl. Not sure who’s behind this project but the guy has wired is house top to bottom, webcams everywhere, gas and power meter cabled, phone system, GPS enabled PDA shows his location when he’s outside, etc. etc. And on top he has a mobile web site to check things out with the mobile phone. Via SMS or voice server, lights and other things can be controlled remotely. The website shows power, gas, water consumption, streaming videos from the camera, etc. etc. etc. in realtime. Cool stuff. Envy creeping up here…

Telco 2.0 in 2008

Lots of blogs with web 2.0 and mobile web 2.0 predictions for 2008. But what’s happening in the telco space and how is it influenced by web 2.0 and mobile web 2.0? The Telco 2.0 blog features a number of interesting predictions for 2008. Some time is required for reading the whole thing but if you work in telecoms it’s a must read.

Some things that ring back here:

  • "Voice gets absorbed by the Internet borg" : Yup, 95% of my calls are either pure VoIP or at least contain a "non-telco" VoIP leg to make it cheaper. Mass market is very close.
  • "Emerging market voice and messaging isn’t just cheap and cheerful, but dangerously different": Yup, operators will struggle to replicate their voice success of Telco 1.0 in the new world order once IMS makes it out of the lab.

Microsofts Future in Wireless?

Most high end mobile devices these days seem to be equipped with some sort of ARM processor. They are fast, cheap, power optimized and highly embedded. These days, however, the status quo seems to be challenged by Intel who tries to establish the x86 design in the mobile world with their Mobile Internet Devices (MID) initiative. This could have a number of interesting consequences:

  • It looks like Intel is betting on Linux as an OS for those devices and not on their traditional relationship with Microsoft. I guess their main reasons are that Windows Mobile requires an ARM platform while Linux happily runs on pretty much everything, including ARM and x86.
  • Linux is a lot cheaper to use (no royalties) and can be easily extended inhouse without having to ask anyone.
  • Linux has a large developer community. A lot of software already written for Linux (without a GUI) needs no or only small changes to run on x86 based mobile devices. Software does not even have to be cross-compiled as would be the case for devices using an ARM processor.
  • Using XP or Windows Vista for a Mobile Internet Device seems to be out of the question due to the huge amount of processor and memory requirements.

So where does this leave Microsoft? With Visa and XP too big and Windows mobile to closed / too limited / too expensive they have a gapping void in their product portfolio. Also, they do not build and sell their own mobile devices but leave it to third party companies such as HTC to develop devices using their OS.  I would not be surprised if many of them can’t wait for Google’s Android. Tough times ahead for Microsoft in mobile…

Jaiku and Twitter From A Different Perspective

2007 seems to have been the year of microblogging with Twitter, Jaiku, Pounce and others. Within a few months of their appearance these services have become hugely popular for a variety of uses. While most people use it to communicate with their friends I was intrigued with the possibility to easily include thoughts, ideas and the latest infos on my blog. So I registered to both Jaiku and Twitter to see how that could be done.

As you can see on the left side of this blog page I decided on using Jaiku for this purpose in the end. The reason was simple: The flash based plugin for my blog integrates nicely into the design and has nice graphical effects. The Twitter plugin on the other hand looks a bit colorless to me, pretty static and there are reports that it blocks the page from loading when the Twitter server is down or heavily loaded.

Posting a new note is super simple. A click to the Jaiku bookmark in my browser, typing in the message and a few seconds later it is on my blog. Very nice!

Quite quickly I also started to link to friends in both Jaiku and Twitter and it’s quite interesting of keeping up to date what they are doing this way. Again I prefer Jaiku as it allows to start conversations on a topic which Twitter doesn’t do. Maybe that’s just the reason why some prefer Twitter, just statements, no conversation (at least in theory).

Are you on Jaiku or Twitter? If you like to connect my alias on both is ‘mobilesociety’.

Latest Flickr Mobile Phone Camera Statistics

Back in May I discovered that Flickr is producing ongoing statistics about the camera models being used for taking the pictures that are uploaded to their site. They also have a section dedicated the mobile phones with built in cameras. At the time, the N73 was a rising star, surpassing all other mobile phones within a matter of weeks.

Now, about half a year later, the statistics look a bit different. The current hot shot is the Nokia N95 followed, at some distance, by the iPhone! The Nokia N73 follows in close pursuit. The Sony-Ericsson K800i and K750i follow the pack. Interesting how quickly things change and that the dedicated camera phone of SE// are still not the front runners? I wonder if that’s got something to do with not having Wifi on board? But then, the N73 doesn’t have Wifi either!?