Workstation Power at Home – Part 3 – FFmpeg on the GPU

Image: H.264 encoding on the GPU

In the previous post I ran FFmpeg and Handbrake on the 6 core CPU of my workstation and got a good but still modest 2.5x speedup of the video encoding task compared to running the same operation on notebook. I would have expected at least a 5x speedup and I’m still puzzled why I didn’t get there. But I have moved on for the moment and have taken a closer look if I could make FFMpeg and Handbrake use the H.264 hardware encoder on the Nvidia Quadra M2000 GPU instead of running this tasks on the CPUs.

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Workstation Power at Home – Part 2 – FFmpeg

Image: Insides of the HP Z440This is part 2 in my article series on using a Xeon based 6 core 12 thread workstation at home to offload CPU intensive tasks from my notebook to a more powerful and fast server. At the end of the introduction I had an example of how my picture fix, rotate compression tool runs 5 times faster on that machine than on my notebook, which significantly reduces my wait time in many everyday scenarios. So how do other programs fare when running them on the workstation?

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Workstation Power At Home – Part 1

Image: Cooling on top of a Xeon E5-1650 v4 processor

It was 2004 when I bought my last workstation for use at home, a Siemens Fujitsu Pentium 4 tower PC. After that I shifted to notebooks as they became cheap and powerful enough to do almost everything with them I wanted to do. Even my 5 year old refurbished Thinkpad X250 is an excellent machine for pretty much all I want to do, and it handles my 21:9 monitor with a resolution of 3440×1440 pixels without breaking a sweat. Even my 7 year old X230 can easily do that, while running two virtual machines, one with Windows and one with Ubuntu alongside. But it has its limits especially for computing intensive things as I recently discovered. Not finding the performance I was looking for in the cloud for a reasonable amount of money I was wondering if a workstation at home would be something that could push the limits?

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Fighting the DVD Bitrot

There has been a time when DVDs where the main medium for backups and for acquiring audiovisual content. These days might long be over but I still have quite a collection that I would like to keep. Unfortunately their lifetime is not endless and most of my devices no longer have a DVD drive. And those that I still have are not very reliable anymore and have started refusing to read more and more of those DVDs lately. So it was time to think about how to preserve the content and make it more easily usable with current devices.

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My Tablet Setup for a Privacy and Security

If I could get it my way, I’d probably put LineageOS or another proprietary Google and hardware manufacturer free Android version on my tablet. While this is possible with some tablets, I would however loose the pen and handwriting input which is an absolute must to use the tablet not only for media consumption but also for work. So I made the best out of the situation and here’s a short overview of my setup:

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The ‘Network Alive’ Monitor

For many many years I’ve used ping in a shell window which I placed in the lower right corner of the screen to monitor my Internet connectivity. So when something network related stopped working I would immediately look there to see if the Internet was still reachable. Crude, but quite effective. But being far from perfect I’ve now spent a bit of time to write a nice GUI program for the purpose that also expands the functionality a bit.

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Evolving Tablet Use – What’s the Difference Between a 320 vs. a 650 Euro Tablet?

Image: handwritten notes on the tabletI’ve been using a tablet on and off for many years now. However, it’s been mostly off as I was mainly using this device type for media consumption, i.e. web browsing, videos, reading ebooks, etc. rather than creating content. Recently, however, I’ve taken another look at tablets with a pen and how they can be used in combination with handwriting notes and for annotating PDFs. While entry level tablets can be had for less than 200 euros these days, it looks like those that can handle pens well for handwriting start at around 300 euros. To see what kind of difference price makes in 2020 for the use cases I had in mind, I bought a €650 tablet and another one for €320. Both came with the pen included. I don’t want to mention makes and models here because I don’t think that’s relevant for the comparison. And indeed, the difference is quite noticeable, not only in the details.

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Working on that Terabyte per Month

Image: Amount of Down/Uplink data in October 2020Out of interest, I’ve been monitoring my monthly data usage over my DSL line at home for many years now. Up until last year, there was only a small increase year by year and in 2019 I consistently reached about 120 GB per month. This has changed quite significantly this year due to the ‘pandemic home office’ style of work I have adopted. I’m not quite there yet, but the 1 TB per month of data use at home is not that far away anymore. But even if I arrived at this point I’d only use a tiny fraction of the amount of data that could be transferred over the line per month.

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You Better Have An Older Notebook If You Need A 4 TB SSD

One and a half years ago in March 2019, prices for 2 TB SSDs had finally come down enough so I could afford upgrading a couple of notebooks. Since then, despite constant efforts to move unused data to long term offline storage, the amount data I store on my work notebooks keeps rising. So I am keeping a close eye on the price for 4 TB SSD drives just for the fun of it. As it turns out, it’s better at the moment to actually have an older notebook for that amount of SSD storage!

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